Programming in Python CST 362
Assignment -1
Date of submission:3-Feb-2025 before 1:30pm
Note: Create a pdf file with program and
output. Submit the printout
control statements (if , for , while )
1. Print the sin series
x-x^3/3!+x^5/5!....x^n/n! ( read n.)
2. In the above program read the value x and
find the sum of the series.(Use factorial function from math)
3.Print the following patterns
* *
* * *
* * * *
1 2
2 3
1 2
3 4
The pyramid is given for n=4 do this for any n
4. Find the position of the largest digit in a number.( consider
unique digits)
Eg: i/p : 546 largest
digit=6 position =3
5. Positive integer is called an
Armstrong number of order n if
abcd….= a^n + b^n + c^n + d^n + where n is the length of the number
Eg: 153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 // 153 is an Armstrong Number.
Eg:1634= 1**4+6**4+3**4+4**4=1634 //1634 is an Armstrong Number.
6. Find the square root of a number using Newton’s method ( refer
the text book/blog for reference)
7. Write a program that computes an investment report.
The inputs to this program are the following:
An initial amount to be invested (a floating-point number)
A period of years (an integer)
An interest rate (a percentage expressed as an integer)
8. Check whether the given number is a Krishnamurti number (.Use factorial () function from math)
For example: 145 = 1! + 4! + 5! = 1 +
24 + 120 = 145 is a Krishnamurthy Number
9. Print all prime numbers less than
10. Input a number and print it in
words ( i/p:345 o/p: Three Four Five)
1.What are lambda functions
Find f(2)+g(3,2) using lambda
2.Create a List L consist of
(rno,name) tuples.( include your name and rollnumber)
Sort and print the list in the
order of rno
Sort and print the list in the
order of name
Use lambda functions
3. Use list comprehension to
create a list of odd numbers less than 50.
Use lambda function and map
function to find the cube of numbers stored in the list
Use lambda function and filter
function to find the numbers divisible by 3
4. Write a function prime (n)
which will return True if the number is prime or else False
Use the above function to print
numbers less than 100.
5. Write a recursive function
to find the factorial of a given number
Use the above function to
compute nCr
6. Write a recursive function
to find the n’th Fibonacci number
Use the above function to print
the Fibonacci series.
7. Use a recursive function to
find the sum of the digits of a number.
8.Write a function which will
take n numbers as argument and return the largest element.
9. Find the binary equivalent
of each digit of a number(ie;BCD each digit is represented as 4 bit binary).
Use a separate function to find binary.
10. Find the sum of the cosine series
1-x^2/2!+x^4/4!-x^6/6!......n terms.Use a function fact(n) to find the
factorial of the number and also pow(x,n) to find x**n.
Outcome:Learn String Indexing and slicing, programming with strings
Consider the string str="Python
Programming by Yourname" ( Replace Yourname with your first name)
Write statements in python to implement the following and also print the output
of each statement.
a) To display the last four characters.
b) To display the substring starting from index 4 and ending at index 8.
c) Find the length of the string,min and max(characters)
d) To trim the last four characters from the string.
e) To trim the first four characters from the string.
f) To display the starting index of the substring 'gr'.
g) To change the case of the given string.( small letter to capital and capital
to small)
h) To check if the string is in title case.
i) To replace all the occurrences of letter 'm' in the string with '*'
j)reverse the string
k)count the occurrence of the character ‘m’
l)characters in even positions 0,2,4,…..
m) characters in even positions 0,2,4,…
reverse order
n)check whether the substring ‘on’ is present
in the string or not
o)Find the first occurrence of character ‘t’
p)convert the string into upper case
2. Write a program to check whether the given string is palindrome
or not.(modify the program to print all palindrome words in a sentence Hint: use
split function to separate words)
3. Count the vowels, digits, consonents, spaces in a string.
4. Read a binary number as a string and find its corresponding
decimal ( multiply with powers of 2)
5. Read a decimal number and find its binary.( Hint: divide by 2
and append the reminder to a string)
6. Read a string and print all 4 letter words.
7. Find the average word length.( find word length of each word
and then find the average)
8. Read a string and swap the case ( small letters to capital letters
and capital letters to small letters)
9. Encrypt a string using the shift cipher( key=3 Ceaser cipher).Encrypt
your name.
10. Write a Python program to check
the validity of a password given by the user.
The Password should satisfy the following criteria:
1. Contains at least one letter between a and z
2. Contains at least one number between 0 and 9
3. Contains at least one letter between A and Z
4. Contains at least one special character from $, #, @
5.Minimum length of password: 8
Lists and Tuples
Write commands for the following ( use your personal details)
Create an empty list (stud)
Add your roll number to the list (use + operator)
Append your name (use append)
Extend the list with your place and pin and mobile number (extend)
Insert your KTU-ID at stud [0]
Print your KTU-ID and name
Print the number of characters in your name.
Print last 5 digit of the phone number
the stud list
the index of your name.
Read list of numbers and store it in a list. Create two new lists from the list
created which contains prime and composite numbers. Print all three lists.
Read list of students names and do the following
Sort the name in alphabetical order
Find the name with largest length
print the names starting with letter ‘A’ ( assume first letter capital)
Print the names in reverse alphabetical order with all names converted to
capital letters.
e) Print the names in the order of
4. Find the statistical measures of
the marks of 25 students stored in a list
a) mean b)median c)mode d) standard
deviation e)range f)inter quartile range(Q1-Q3)
5. Use list comprehension to create
a)powers of 3 upto 20
b) Numbers less than
100 which are divisible by 3
6. Read 10 numbers and stores it in a
tuple. Find the sum, average of these elements also find the largest and
Consider a list consisting of integers,
floating point numbers and strings. Separate them into different lists
depending on the data types.
7. Check if the items in the list are
sorted in ascending or descending order and print suitable messages
accordingly. Otherwise, print “Items in list are not sorted”
8. Remove all duplicate elements from a
list i/p:10 20 20 30 40 o/p:10 30 40
Write examples
for the following set operations
intersection(), difference(), issubset(),discard(), update()
Create two
sets A and B and do the operations and print the results.
1.Copy one file to another
2.Copyone file to another after removing
blank lines
3.Print the words and length of words in
sorted order of words from a file.
4. Read numbers stored in one file and
store the sorted numbers in another file after deleting duplicates.
5.List of numbers
are stored in a file(num.dat). Create two file Prime ( containing prime
numbers) and composite( containing composite numbers) from the numbers stored
in num.dat
6.Find the words having largest
frequency from the given file.
7.Create a data file in the following
format(rno,name.m1,m2,m3 marks out of 50 )
Write scripts for the following
a)Print the rno,name and Tot marks in
the descending order of total marks (
Rank list)
b)Print the list of passed students (
marks >=25 for all three subjects)
c)Print the pass percentage in each
d)List of students having 80% or more in
all the three subjects
8. Write a Python program to create a
text file. Read the contents of the file, encrypt every character in the file
with a distance of 3 and write it to a new file.#Eg:yak is encrypted as bdn
9.A text file contains the keyword mec
replace all occurrence of the word mec with MEC
10.Copy an image file ( jpeg) into
another file.
11.Read last and print last 5 characters
and first 10 characters from a file ( use fseek and read)
1. Write commands for the following
a. Create an empty dictionary stud
b. Add details of 5 students (
rno,namewith rno as key) from your class students list starting from your roll
number.( consider circular list)
c. Sort and Print the list in the order
of rno (Convert dictionary stud into a list)
d.Print the student list in the order of
name( use lambda function)
e. Create another dictionary stud1 with
rno,name,mark(rno as key)
f. Print the details of the students(rno,name,mark)
having highest mark.
g. Read a rno and delete that students
details from the dictionary.
h. Print the list of passed students (
mark >=50 assume marks out of 100)
2. Use dictionary comprehension
to create a dictionary with numbers (key) and its squares(values).
3. Read a string and find the
frequency of occurrence of each character in it. Use dictionary.
4. Create a
dictionary with binary equivalent of all hexa decimal digits. Use this
dictionary to convert the given hexadecimal number into binary.
5.Find the frequency of occurrence of
words in a sentence. Also print the words with highest freq
6.Find the mod of list of numbers stored
in a List ( use dictionary)
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