About The Course Programming in Python CST 362 KTU

Category PEC
L T P 2 1 0
Credit 3
Year of Introduction 2019

Preamble: The objective of the course is to equip the learners to develop multi-module software solutions for real world computational problems using Python. It encompasses the Python programming environment, syntax, data representations, intermediate level features, GUI programming, Object Oriented Programming and data processing. This course lays the foundation to develop modular software solutions including complex interactive applications, network applications, and data-driven intelligent applications.

Prerequisite: Basic knowledge in Computational Problem Solving, A course in any programming language.

Course Outcomes: After the completion of the course the student will be able to 
CO1:Write, test and debug Python programs (Cognitive Knowledge level: Apply)
CO2: Illustrate uses of conditional (if, if-else and if-elif-else ) and iterative (while and for) statements in Python programs. (Cognitive Knowledge level: Apply)
CO3: Develop programs by utilizing the Python programming constructs such as Lists, Tuples, Sets and Dictionaries. (Cognitive Knowledge level: Apply)
CO4: Develop graphical user interface for solutions using Python libraries. (Cognitive Knowledge level: Apply)
CO5: Implement Object Oriented programs with exception handling. (Cognitive Knowledge level: Apply)
CO6: Write programs in Python to process data stored in files by utilizing Numpy, Matplotlib, and Pandas. (Cognitive Knowledge level: Apply)

Continuous Internal Evaluation Pattern: 
Attendance : 10 marks 
Continuous Assessment Test : 25 marks 
Continuous Assessment Assignment : 15 marks 

Internal Examination Pattern: 
Each of the two internal examinations has to be conducted out of 50 marks. The first series test shall be preferably conducted after completing the first half of the syllabus and the second series test shall be preferably conducted after completing the remaining part of the syllabus. 
There will be two parts: Part A and Part B. Part A contains 5 questions (preferably, 2 questions each from the completed modules and 1 question from the partly completed module), having 3 marks for each question adding up to 15 marks for part A. 
Students should answer all questions from Part A. Part B contains 7 questions (preferably, 3 questions each from the completed modules and 1 question from the partly completed module), each with 7 marks. Out of the 7 questions, a student should answer any 5. 

End Semester Examination Pattern: There will be two parts; Part A and Part B. Part A contains 10 questions with 2 questions from each module, having 3 marks for each question. Students should answer all questions. Part B contains 2 questions from each module of which a student should answer any one. Each question can have a maximum of 2 sub-divisions and carries 14 marks.  

Sample Course Level Assessment Questions 
Course Outcome1(CO1): 
1. What is type conversion? How is it done in Python? 
2. Write a note on the Python editors. 
Course Outcome 2(CO2): 
1. Write a Python program which takes a positive integer n as input and finds the sum of cubes all positive even numbers less than or equal to the number. 
2. What is printed when the below code is executed? 
mysum = 0 
 for i in range(5, 11, 2): 
     mysum += i 
     if mysum == 5: 
   mysum += 1
 print(mysum) What would be the output if ‘break’ is replaced with ‘continue’ in the above code fragment? 

Course Outcome 3(CO3): 
1. Given is a list of of words, wordlist, and a string, name. Write a Python function which takes wordlist and name as input and returns a tuple. The first element of the output tuple is the number of words in the wordlist which have name as a substring in it. The second element of the tuple is a list showing the index at which the name occurs in each of the words of the wordlist and a 0 if it doesn’t occur. 

2. What is the value of L after you run the code below? L = ["life", "answer", 42, 0] 
for thing in L: 
     if thing == 0: 
         L[thing] = "universe" 
     elif thing == 42: 
         L[1] = "everything" 

Course Outcome 4(CO4): 
1. A bouncy program is defined as follows – The program computes and displays the total distance traveled by a ball, given three inputs—the initial height from which it is dropped, its bounciness index, and the number of bounces. Given the inputs write a GUI-based program to compute the total distance traveled. 
2. Write a Python program to find the quadrant of a point, say (x,y). 

Course Outcome 5(CO5): 
1. Write a Python program to implement the addition, subtraction, and multiplication of complex numbers using classes. Use constructors to create objects. The input to the program consist of real and imaginary parts of the complex numbers. 

2. Explain inheritance in Python using suitable examples. 

Course Outcome 6(CO6): 

1. Given a file “auto.csv” of automobile data with the fields index, company, body-style, wheelbase, length, engine-type, num-of-cylinders, horsepower, average-mileage, and price, write python code to 
1. Clean and Update the CSV file 
2. Print total cars of all companies 
3. Find the average mileage of all companies 
4. Find the highest priced car of all companies. 
2. Given two matrices A and B, write a program to find the product of A and B^T .

Model Question Paper


Course Code: CST 362 
Max Marks: 100                 Duration: 3 Hours 

PART-A (Answer All Questions. Each question carries 3 marks) 
1. Write a Python program to reverse a number and also find the sum of digits of the number. Prompt the user for input. 
2. Explain the concept of scope and lifetime of variables in Python programming language, with a suitable example. 
3. Illustrate format specifiers and escape sequences with examples. 
4. Compare tuples, lists, and dictionaries with examples. 
5. Describe the following dictionary methods with an example. 
i. get( ) ii. Keys( ) iii. pop( ) iv. update( ) v. values( ) vi. items( ) 
6. Differentiate the terminal-based and GUI-based programming in Python. 
7. What is polymorphism? Give an example in the context of OOP in Python. 
8. How is exception handling accomplished in Python programs? 
9. Explain the os and os.path modules in Python with examples. Also, discuss the walk( ) and getcwd( ) methods of the os module. 
10. What are the important characteristics of CSV file format

PART-B (Answer any one full question from each module)
11. (a) Write a Python code to check whether a given year is a leap year or not [An year is a leap year if it’s divisible by 4 but not divisible by 100 except for those divisible by 400]. (6) 
(b) What are the possible errors in a Python program. Write a Python program to print the value of 2^{2n}+n+5 for n provided by the user. (8) 
12. (a) Write a Python program to find the value for sin(x) up to n terms using the series x/1!-x^3/3!+x^5/5!...n  where x is in degrees (6) 
(b) Write a Python code to determine whether the given string is a Palindrome or not using slicing. Do not use any string function. (8)

13. (a) Write a Python code to create a function called list_of_frequency that takes a string and prints the letters in non-increasing order of the frequency of their occurrences. Use dictionaries. (5)

 (b) Write a Python program to read a list of numbers and sort the list in a nondecreasing order without using any built in functions. Separate function should be written to sort the list wherein the name of the list is passed as the parameter. (9) 
14. (a) Illustrate the following Set methods with an example. 
i. intersection( ) ii. Union( ) iii. Issubset( ) iv. Difference( ) v. update( ) vi. discard( ) (6) 
(b) Write a Python program to check the validity of a password given by the user. The Password should satisfy the following criteria: (8)
1. Contains at least one letter between a and z 
2. Contains at least one number between 0 and 9 
3. Contains at least one letter between A and Z 
4. Contains at least one special character from $, #, @
 5. Minimum length of password: 6

15. (a) Write a program to draw a hexagon using turtle. (5) 
(b) Write a note on the image processing function in Python. (9) 
16. (a) Describe the features of event driven programming. (4) 
(b) Write a GUI-based program that allows the user to convert temperature values between degrees Fahrenheit and degrees Celsius. The interface should have labeled entry fields for these two values. These components should be arranged in a grid where the labels occupy the first row and the corresponding fields occupy the second row. At start-up, the Fahrenheit field should contain 32.0, and the Celsius field should contain 0.0. The third row in the window contains two command buttons, labeled >>>> and <<<<. When the user presses the first button, the program should use the data in the Fahrenheit field to compute the Celsius value, which should then be output to the Celsius field. The second button should perform the inverse function.(8)

17. (a) How can a class be instantiated in Python? Write a Python program to express the instances as return values to define a class RECTANGLE with parameters height, width, corner_x, and corner_y and member functions to find center, area, and perimeter of an instance. (10) 
(b) Explain inheritance in Python. Give examples for each type of inheritance. (4) 
18. (a) Write a Python class named Circle constructed by a radius and two methods which will compute the area and the perimeter of a given circle (6) 
(b) Write Python program to create a class called as Complex and implement __add__( ) method to add two complex numbers. Display the result by overloading the + Operator.

(a) Write a Python program to add two matrices and also find the transpose of the resultant matrix. (8) (b) Given a file “auto.csv” of automobile data with the fields index, company, body-style, wheel-base, length, engine-type, num-of-cylinders, horsepower, average-mileage, and price, write Python codes using Pandas to 
1) Clean and Update the CSV file 
2) Print total cars of all companies
3) Find the average mileage of all companies 
4) Find the highest priced car of all companies.

20. (a) Write Python program to write the data given below to a CSV file. (5)
SN     Name         Country Contribution         Year 
1 Linus Torvalds Finland     Linux Kernel     1991 
2 Tim Berners-Lee England World Wide Web 1990 
3 Guido van Rossum Netherlands Python 1991 

(b) Given the sales information of a company as CSV file with the following fields month_number, facecream, facewash, toothpaste, bathingsoap, shampoo, moisturizer, total_units, total_profit. Write Python codes to visualize the data as follows  
1) Toothpaste sales data of each month and show it using a scatter plot 
2) Face cream and face wash product sales data and show it using the bar chart 

Calculate total sale data for last year for each product and show it using a Pie chart. (9) 


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